For all the Garden Lovers, an automatic Sprinkler Controller will be equal to a boon! That’s how the technology has paced with time. You don’t have to remember the watering schedules now, as the sprinkler controller will do the same. We have reviewed Top 10 Best Smart Sprinkler Controller for our lovely readers. Check them out and make the selection easy and quick!
At a Glance: Best Smart Sprinkler Controller 2019
Our Top Recommendation is the Rachio Smart Sprinkler, 2nd Generation Controller. You could now manage the sprinklers using their dedicated apps. You can install them on different smart gadgets, and smoothly control the sprinkler even in your absence.
For those looking for indoor and outdoor compatible system, go for Orbit 57946 B-Hyve Smart Sprinkler Controller! This device is delivered in a weather resistant case, and there is a cabinet which protects the controller from any outer damage. Also, supports WeatherSense technology.
Coming to the “Best in Water-Saving” feature, you can never go wrong with the RainMachine Mini-8, Cloud Independent. It can be handled using your Android or iOS device and has also got the WaterSense certification for the efficiency.
Best Smart Sprinkler Controller Reviews
A water sprinkler is a small gadget which is placed in the garden and lawn areas, preferably the larger gardens. They do the work of watering the garden. Water is passed through the sprinkler which releases them in the form of small water drops, that falls on to the ground. Their main purpose is to ensure that water equally reaches all the places, no place is left out.
With the advancements in technology, you can now get Smart Sprinkler Controller. These are the small circuit kind of connections which can make the sprinklers work even in your absence. To know more about these systems, read out the review below.
#1 Recommendations: Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller, 2nd Generation
Using a Smart Sprinkler, you can make the water sprinkling task easy for you. If you are away from your home, at that moment, you can make use of this gadget and get the work done automatically. It can be connected to a mobile app, and using that particular application you can command different tasks to your smart sprinkler.

The device can understand different weather conditions, and it will work according to the need. For example, during the rainy season, you don’t have to water the plants. During this period, the sprinkler won’t turn on, and thus no water will be added from the sprinkler
.Rachio is a smart device, and it rightly knows the amount of the water required by your plant. Another benefit of this device other than time-saving is that it saves your money too. Here the water is sprayed in a controlled manner, and so less water is wasted compared to the manual watering.
All the advanced watering technologies are kept in check during the designing of Rachio. This gadget monitors the weather status and then makes the decision accordingly. This is what makes the devices Smarter than the normal sprinkler gadgets.
The Weather Intelligence of this device will automatically skip a day if rain is predicted on that day. They can also adjust the timings according to the season, and help you save your time as well as money.
Installation is simple, where you may take a maximum of 30 minutes for replacing the old Water Sprinkler setup. With the help of your smart devices like laptop, phone, etc. you can be connected with the sprinkler at all times. There are two models of Rachio – one is the 8 Zone, and the other one is 16 Zone. Currently the Best Seller on Amazon!
#2 Orbit 57946 B-Hyve Indoor/Outdoor Smart Sprinkler Controller
With the help of the B-Hyve app, you can control the Sprinkler using your smartphone. It can be operated using Android, iOS or any other web-connected devices. There are many ways of setting the sprinkler in a particular mode. You can set the task using the app, or set the work directly on the controller itself. You can go by either way for this.

The Swing Panel installation makes the angled wiring work easy and convenient for you. There is one plug and go line cord included which can be cut and used for other hard-wired application. This USA made system makes use of all global materials for the construction.
You will find a weather resistant case in which the B-Hyve sprinkler is placed. Therefore, you can make use of this device for indoors as well as outdoors. With the weather-resistant covering, you can protect the smart sprinkler from all kinds of weather damages. The Locking Cabinet protects it from any other kind of damage.
To get more water savings, you can set this Orbit 57946 Smart Sprinkler with Orbit Catch Cups. This could save almost 50% of the water which is wasted with the traditional sprinkling methods.
Smart Rain Delays will be set automatically even though it is running a traditional programming. It includes the smart WeatherSense Technology. Using this, the sprinkler predicts the upcoming weather forecast and changes the water schedule as per the requirement.
The Orbit Smart Sprinkler supports two types of controls. They include – WiFi and Timer control. You can control the sprinkler using Android or iOS device or even your computer. The only condition is that the sprinkler must be connected to a network.
These devices also make note that right amount of water is provided to the plant. This reduces unnecessary wastage of the water.
#3 RainMachine Touch HD-12 Cloud Independent, The Forecast Sprinkler
We can easily relate these Smart Sprinkler systems with the Internet of Things! These are the next level of technology where you can handle the works – also in your absence. Coming to the RainMachine, it takes the weather forecast into consideration, and sets the water schedule on that basis.

If you have hot summer time, then the sprinkler will increase the water amount. Similarly, the sprinkler won’t work on a rainy forecast and reduce the sprinkling rate during winters.
On this sprinkler, you have to choose from some watering modes. Some of them include Even or Odd days watering, alternate watering, select a cycle type, only soak operation, setting some delay, etc. Also, you can perform these services in a parallel mode, sequential style, or even by playing it one at a time.
It can be connected through a WiFi connection and is easily controllable by different smart devices. These devices are capable of handling possible app conflicts which may occur – for example, giving various commands on the same valve.
Another peculiarity of this device is that they provide the best accurate information about the weather forecast. It is found to be much better compared to most of the other sprinkler systems. This RainMachine sprinkler marks the location where it is placed, and then take the weather forecast for that area.
All this is made possible by collecting information from many data centers, which is free to use for the users. All the data charges are included in the tax obtained with the product purchase.
If by chance the internet is not working, then the RainMachine considers the previous weather statistics in this case. Therefore, the sprinkler will work even if the device is not connected to the internet! How cool is that?
#4 SkyDrop Wifi-Enabled Smart Sprinkler Controller
Another equally performing home automation on the list is brought to you by SkyDrop. This intelligent system works in the presence of WiFi connection. After you have connected this sprinkler with the WiFi, then you can easily use smartphone, tablet, or laptop for controlling this SkyDrop device.

It comes with a super cool interface, which is easy to understand and user interactive too. Using the functions given on the screen, you could control almost all the watering functions. SkyDrop analyses all the weather conditions of the local surroundings, and then sets the best schedule for the watering. Thus, you could save time, money as well as your Water of course!
You can access the Cloud Service and other data by connecting the Sprinkler with WiFi. These services monitor the changing weather conditions and then plans the watering accordingly.
The components 1in the installation are easy on the handling and can be set without much assistance. There is a weather-proof box included so that you can set it up for indoor as well as outdoor use.
And this doesn’t end there! There are eight independent settings included here, and you have to choose the option which matches your requirement. Some of the options included – the type of the soil, nature of the slope, shady location or sunny one, etc.
You will be provided with a tutorial that will help you with the installation. The Cloud service saves all the settings made on this SkyDrop sprinkler. You can control the functioning of the sprinkler using your smartphone, laptop, or any other smart gadget with the internet connection.
It has been certified by the EPA WaterSense – this is a standard which is given to all the environment-friendly systems. Using this you can almost save more than 50% of the water used in a traditional watering.
#5 RainMachine Mini-8, Cloud Independent Smart Sprinkler Controller
We got another sprinkler by the RainMachine, and this is the Mini-8 model. The sprinkler will understand the real-time weather forecast and produces an accurate data report for the same. Installation is simple, and it will take only 15 minutes with the setup. No workmen needed for this job, as it is simple to do. Or we can say it as a DIY task.

This device receives all the weather-related info from GOV, NOAA, Metno, etc. The weather forecasts are checked each day, and the sprinkler does all the settings according to the updated weather. This allows the right amount of water to be used for the watering.
They have been certified by the WaterSense standards for the quality performance and output. For trying the Real-Time Monitoring mechanism, you have to install the mentioned apps for the same. Then try controlling the WiFi-connected sprinkler using your Android or iOS device. Almost all the required details are made available on the app interface.
Weather conditions play a major role in getting the best out of the Smart Sprinklers. If the conditions are right, you can get almost 80% of the water savings from this RainMachine gadget.
The app is made available for free, and so install it and control the watering and garden care even in your absence. They can be controlled via laptop as well as your personal computers. They run on almost all the modern search engines including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, etc.
Thus, you can operate and make use of the sprinkler by being anywhere in the world! The only requirement is that both the devices must be connected on a working network.
#6 Rachio 8ZULW Wi-Fi Sprinkler Controller for Alexa
We got the Rachio 8ZULW WiFi sprinkler for you. They come with a customized programming so that you can choose your favorite one among the available watering options. Set this up, and control your yard sprinklers efficiently, along with the best watering management done.

The weather-proof design makes it compatible and strong to withstand all major climates. You can simplify your outdoor use by connecting the controller with the outdoor outlets.
This gadget understands all the real-time weather and makes the selection as per the demand only. This means that the sprinkler controller sets the schedule by taking the seasons into account. You don’t have to do any scheduling task here since the controller will set them all by itself.
Rachio has a better understanding of the weather and helps you with the concept called Smart Watering. This involves the study of the weather condition, and then the watering process is decided based on the demand in the real time.
Another cool feature of this is that you could get a report on the water usage, and also on how much you saved in a particular period.
With this sprinkler controller, you can get the best kind of control on the watering. This ends up with saving lots of energy and water, making it all great for you in the long run. There is this Flex Schedule included which lets you set the watering time, and helps you with the right garden maintenance.
Efficient watering schedules save a severe amount of water. You can connect the sprinkler with any of the smart devices in hand; it can be a smartphone, laptop, PC, etc. This EPA certified sprinkler is comfortable on the installation part. You could save almost 30% of the water wasted due to bad watering scheduling.
#7 Rain Bird ST8I-WIFI Smart Irrigation Indoor WiFi Sprinkler System
This is an indoor sprinkler controller, which is both controllable by Timer as well as other smart devices. With just your hand controls and commands, you could be able to save time, money as well as lots of water!

There is the Rain Bird app which can be used to control multiple timers, which can be set at different places. The only requirement is that the sprinkler must be connected to some network.
First, you will have to install the app on all the smart devices which are in use, and then you can share the controls with your family or friends. In this way, the sprinkler and the watering could be handled by anyone with a simple app. This app is available both on Android and iOS devices.
Android OS must be 4.4 or the higher versions, whereas the iOS must be 8 or higher than that.
There are different ways of programming the operations – using the app (in case you are not at your place) or directly setting all the watering options on the control panel itself. Even the customization of the watering duration can be easily done using the app.
If you are planning a party on your beautiful lawn, then you can uncheck the Watering schedule for that one particular day. This can be done using the Rain Bird app!
Also, different watering zones can be set with a unique name, image, and watering frequency. This Rain Bird device will take note of the weather, temperature and then set the watering accordingly. Coming to the replacement of the old sprinkler controller, it is found to be simple.
With the mobile control and programming, it has been seen that a significant amount of water is saved which was wasted otherwise.
#8 SkyDrop 8 Zone Wifi-Enabled Smart Sprinkler Controller
This is one of the cool innovations which brings automation to your homes. Here the jog dials are found to be pretty interesting and also easy to use for the beginners. All the menu options on the sprinkler controller allow the user to choose the appropriate style of watering as per the need of the hour.

This device understands the local weather statistics and decides the best watering schedule for your garden. By opting the best schedule, you will be able to save money, time as well as your home water by a great extent. This sprinkler controller comes with a two years manufacturing warranty on it as well. Thus in case you feel any trouble within this period, it will be solved free of any charges.
Get the sprinkler connected to the nearest network, and then let it collect all the necessary data on the weather forecast. Because only then the controller will set the watering schedule for your garden space. You can even control the sprinkler function from a remote area using your Android or iOS device at hand.
Thus, no matter where you are! You could now control this smart sprinkler via phone, laptop, PC, etc.
Also if there is no need of watering (ex; during the rainy season), then this SkyDrop will skip out the watering process automatically. This is what called as Smart Watering. You can set this controller for indoors as well as for outdoors by placing it in a weather-resistant box.
You can also get the water usage reports, using which you can know the water consumption. With the EPA certification, be assured for the water efficiency. Almost 50% of the outdoor water is saved which is usually wasted in the traditional watering methods.
#9 Netro Smart 12-Zone WiFi Sprinkler Controller
This is a complete automatic device, which is a smart gadget and sets the watering schedules by itself. First of all, it analyses the weather and then makes the list of the possible scheduling. After that, it chooses the best from the schedules, which is the optimal option of all.

Netro Smart is an environment-friendly system, as it saves almost 50% of the water with all the advanced water mechanism adopted here. This same model is available for 6-zone as well as 12-zone category.
Another point to add is that the sprinkler can restrict the water flow if that’s what the need is. It understands the water functioning and the supply and then sets the watering schedule which matches the same. You can even access the sprinkler from a remote place using your Android or iOS device.
This is a residential level irrigation utility and can be used to reduce the water wastage. It will control the water quantity, and also will maintain your garden in a healthy way.
Compared to other sprinkler gadgets which require the user to set and manage the schedules, this stands as an exception to this. On this Netro Smart, it will set the watering task automatically. Thus you can leave the complete work to this device, and utilize that time to perform any other urgent work of yours.
It also learns all the app settings and will set an appropriate watering schedule considering the last week usage. Here the gadget has got a simple and elegant design, just like the perfect watering gadget for every home! Installation is easy, as it will take only 15 minutes with the setup.
Get the Netro app installed on your phone, and that’s it! The complete garden is in your hands now.
#10 NxEco HWN12-100 Pro Smart Sprinkler Controller
This is specially designed keeping the beginners in mind. NxEco is easy on the installation as well as simple on the handling part. It will automatically set the watering schedules and will update on its own as per the requirement. You can make use of this gadget for home and light-industrial work. They have included 12 stations working on this Smart Sprinkler controller.

It comes with the WaterSense label on it, and the same can be checked in the nearest water management offices. You will have to use a free app for controlling the sprinkler using your home smart gadget. Also, there is no need of WiFi connection for the initial setup.
NxEco sprinkler keeps an account of all the previous watering schedules. So even if there is no Internet connection by any chance, then it will follow the last setting day!
There are many on-device controls provided so that you don’t have to keep running behind your phone for doing the simple setting. Using the zones added here, you can set any of the available watering styles for each of the zones. Thus different watering pattern for each of the zones present in your garden area.
You can even set the Watering Delay option using the app. Thus the sprinkler will set the watering process accordingly, as per the user’s request. It can save a total of 3 watering settings so that you could have the quick reference of the selected option.
The additional components included with the main smart sprinkler controller – mounting screws, Ac transformer, and anchors. For your surprise, the web-based interface can control as high as 5000 controllers! With the automatic operations of this controller, it saves an approx 40% of the water wasted in the traditional watering.
These are our picks for the Best Smart Sprinkler Controller Reviews which we found worth considering for purchase! Did you find this top 10 reviews list helpful? Let us know your suggestions and other tips for other readers! You can do this by simply leaving a comment below. Check similar product reviews on our page Water Gadget.